
1880 Census - Schnaufer | Contact Me | Census reports | 1910 - Census Campbell/Keadle | 1930 Census - Campbells | Obituaries | 1880 Census - Keadles | Yarnall - Census (1830 &1880)
1880 Census - Schnaufer

There was a lot of mystery behind the Schnaufer name not long ago. Helens parents Ida Mabel Boyd and Clifford Schnaufer never married, so not much was known of the Schnaufer family. A couple of years ago, I was able to find living relatives of Cliffords older sister, Inez. I will soon be able to merge her family data on with ours.

On the census below, you will first see Albert and Ella Schnaufer. These were Cliffords parents; W.M. (William) and Jane Schnaufer were Cliffords grandparents. There is a W.M.(William) Jr., Belle and J.B (John Baxley) they are also William and Janes children.


This census found at Ancestry.com