1880 Census - Schnaufer | Contact Me | Census reports | 1910 - Census Campbell/Keadle | 1930 Census - Campbells | Obituaries | 1880 Census - Keadles | Yarnall - Census (1830 &1880)

Dedicated in loving memory of Helen Louise Campbell 3/17/1911 - 9/11/1989

Welcome to the new our new family page. Grab a hot cup of coffee, prop up your feet and stay awhile. I'm going to provide many different links to our families ancestors. If your not to interested right now, bookmark us to check out later.

I haven't found any so called "famous" ancestors in our history. That really shouldn't matter anyway. What we have is a nice combination of English, Irish, Scotish and German. I will leave you a link to rootsweb.com, where you will clearly so your families place of origin. I have merged together several geneology files to make your family tree search a little easier.


"NEW" Photo album

Campbell Family - at Rootsweb.com


Yarnall Home Page - Great site! This family is a direct decendent of ours.

Story of our Baker ancestors coming from England

This is another great story about the land the Yarnall's owned in Philadephia, PA

Yarnalls recorded 1771 deed from Delaware County, PA. - very interesting.


What's New?
I have published a "CAMPBELL FAMILY" geneology at Rootweb. To get there, just follow the link at the right. It's easy to create and manage your own files. Just download PAF file at the bottom of this page. Then you'll need to download the gedfile at the bottom.

Census reports

VIEW CENSUS on "Family Photo Album" link


I could really use some help getting the recent data together. If you know for sure that you are a decendant of this line, please let me know where I can download your GED file or email the information that you have. I will accept whatever you can dig up.

To download a FREE (PAF) Personal Ancestral File, follow this link. I chose #77064999, the first one it works real well.